Privacy Policies

Clarification Text for Our Visitors within the Scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data

When you submit your personal data to our website and click on the "confirmation" square, it will be deemed that you have expressly consented to their processing by the Data Controller and transferring them to third parties in connection with the purpose for which they are processed, limited and measured. The matters to be complied with within the scope of the disclosure obligation to be fulfilled by the Data Controller are as follows:

To whom it May concern;

As ARVEKO ELEKTRONİK TİCARET VE BİLİŞLERİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ (“ARVEKO”), the disclosure obligation to be fulfilled for the processing of your personal data and your rights and the responsibilities of the Data Controller, pursuant to Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (“KVKK”) Within the scope of this, we provide information to obtain your explicit consent on the following issues:

Identity of Data Controller and Representative, if any: ARVEKO ELEKTRONİK TİCARET VE BİLİŞLERİ ANONİM ŞİRKETİ

Purpose of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data; In order for you to benefit from advertisement, promotion, marketing, trade and sales related to the subject of the application, updating your contact information, processing our responsibilities regarding product sales and after, automatic and/or non-automatic processing into the data recording system, repair works and performing all of these accounting procedures, It will be processed for as long as necessary and on condition that it is kept for the purpose of determining and implementing our financial, legal and social and business goals.

The Category of Real and Legal Persons to which Personal Data will be Transferred and for What Purpose

Category of Real and Legal Persons to which Personal Data will be Transferred

Company Board Members

Top Employer

Collaborating institutions and organizations and their employees, third parties, sellers and buyers, public institutions and organizations, audit and surveillance institutions and organizations, real persons and private law legal entities.

Company Shareholders

Company's; Human Resources, Quality, Financial Affairs (Accounting), Head Office, Marketing, Internal Purchasing, Research and Development, Information Processing Units, Employees with management and/or representation authority in enterprises.

You accept that you have your explicit consent to transfer your personal data domestically for the following purposes:

Performance of the contract: Recording the company's address information for delivery

Actual Impossibility: Personal health information of the unconscious person or location information of the abducted or missing person

Legal responsibility of the Data Controller

Making public

Establishment, protection, use of a right

Legitimate interests of the company in the context of commercial, legal purposes and as data controller

Managing information security processes,

Providing information to authorized institutions and organizations

Continuing business and operations,

Execution of company activities and procedures,

Personal data can be transferred to third parties for the purposes of data processing, if the explicit consent of the data owner is available. If the visitor does not have explicit consent, personal data may be transferred to third parties in the following cases:

If there is a clear regulation in the law regarding the transfer of personal data,

If it is necessary for the protection of the life or bodily integrity of the Customer, Employee or someone else, and the personal data owner is unable to express his consent due to actual impossibility or if his consent is not legally valid,

If it is necessary to transfer the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract,

If personal data transfer is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation of the Company,

If personal data is made public by the Visitor,

If personal data transfer is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection of a right,

If personal data transfer is necessary for the legitimate interests of the Company, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the visitor.

Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data Collection

Personal Data Collection Method

As a personal data collection method;

By fully automatic

Send partially automatic

in a non-automatic way

collects data.

Legal Reasons for Personal Data Collection

As the legal reason for collecting personal data;

Obtaining Explicit Consent

Establishment, Exercise or Protection of a Right

Fulfillment of ARVEKO's Legal Obligation

Prescribed in Laws

Contract Signing

Publicizing the Data Owner

Legitimate Interest of the Institution as Data Controller

Legitimate Interests of the Data Controller

can be displayed.

The visitor has the following rights about his Personal Data processed by ARVEKO:

Learning whether their Personal Data is processed;

If Personal Data has been processed, requesting information about it;

Learning the purpose of processing Personal Data and whether they are used in accordance with its purpose;

To learn the third parties to whom Personal Data is transferred in the country or abroad;

Requesting correction of Personal Data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed;

Requesting the deletion or destruction of Personal Data within the framework of Article 7 of the KVKK;

This Statement m. 6.e and m. Requesting notification of the transactions made pursuant to sections 6.f to third parties to whom Personal Data has been transferred;

Objecting to the emergence of a result against oneself by analyzing the processed Personal Data exclusively through automated systems, and

To request the compensation of the damage in case of loss due to unlawful processing of Personal Data.